The Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms (DEVOPS) v1.0 course teaches you how to automate application deployment, enable automated configuration, enhance management, and improve scalability of cloud microservices and infrastructure processes on Cisco® platforms. You will also learn how to integrate Docker and Kubernetes to create advanced capabilities and flexibility in application deployment. This course prepares you for the 300-910 Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms (DEVOPS) certification exam. This course also earns you 40 Continuing Education (CE) credits towards recertification.

Enroll in the "DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" course to expand your knowledge and gain valuable skills. Whether you're in a bustling urban center like Haifa or elsewhere, you can access our experienced instructors at AcademyTech's state-of-the-art training centers, online learning platforms, or even arrange training sessions at your own facilities. If you're a company representative or part of a large organization, we can organize customized training programs at suitable locations, or even deliver them at your company's premises. Whether you're an individual or part of a larger team, we're here to support your "DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" training.

  Training schedule for "DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course"

One to One - Online
09:00-17:00 (EST)
3,170 $

Who Should Attend

  • Account manager
  • Consulting systems engineer
  • Network administrator
  • Network engineer
  • Network manager
  • Sales engineer

Course Content

  • Introducing the DevOps Model
  • Introducing Containers
  • Packaging an Application Using Docker
  • Deploying a Multitier Application
  • Introducing CI/CD
  • Building the DevOps Flow
  • Validating the Application Build Process
  • Building an Improved Deployment Flow
  • Extending DevOps Practices to the Entire Infrastructure
  • Implementing On-Demand Test Environments at the Infrastructure Level
  • Monitoring in NetDevOps
  • Engineering for Visibility and Stability
  • Securing DevOps Workflows
  • Exploring Multicloud Strategies
  • Examining Application and Deployment Architectures
  • Describing Kubernetes
  • Integrating Multiple Data Center Deployments with Kubernetes
  • Monitoring and Logging in Kubernetes

Frequently Asked Questions

"DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" trainings are given in ("Group - One to one") two different  ways.
The one-to-one tuition fee is 2,780 $.

"DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" trainings are given in two different ways.

The tuition fee as a group is 3,600 $. To create a group, you must be at least  2 people.
The one-to-one tuition fee is 2,780 $.

Our "DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" trainings are one-to-one 5 days,

Our "DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course" trainings are group 3 days,


Exam & Certification

Participation Certificate

All trainees who participate in training will have an AcademyTech participation certificate.

Exam & Certification


Recommendations by our happy graduates.

Popular locations for DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course in Israel

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"DEVOPS - Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices Using Cisco Platforms (300-910) Course"

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